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Military technology is creating soulless soldiers.









            Since the future is unknown to everybody, we can’t exactly make hasty assumptions or erroneous predictions about what or to where the military technology will lead us.  However, we know through our experiences from past wars, that we are reaching into a state of unknown military technology advancement.  Because of the fast paced, accelerating and ever-growing width of military technology, we cannot always prepare to buckle down on the problems that arise with new inventions and new discoveries.  Also, at the same time, we can now predict through our past mistakes and implications of war that we are prepared to tackle any issues that may loom around us.  However, like how not all military machines and gadgets were created for advancing scientific discoveries, not all of our future wars will be celebrated the same as we do today.


            We might reach a point in the future, where the soldiers are drones and robots, disguised as human beings.  We will never know the extent to which the war technology will impact human’s intellectuals and psychology.  Instead, we do know that by knowing the consequences of our military technological actions, we can stop the worst case from happening.  In this case, our worst scenario possible is having our human soldiers brainwashed by the automation of the machines.  In effort to stop humans from ever losing their consciousness to their morality, and their emotional feelings, we need to know when to stop and when to keep on going with military advancements.  We need to be informed of the hard limits of having automated human beings, and we need to gain the knowledge to know when we have reached too far.  So that, as a society, we can realize what has gone wrong and have a turning point for a change. 


            There will be an overload of human robot soldiers in the future.  And, we might not even realize that we have created these “robots” out of our soldiers.  There may come a time when it will be too late for us to catch ourselves before it is too late.  So, what will you do to change humans from becoming automated?  Will you stand against for what you believe in or will you be like one of the robots, believing and accepting what has been fed to you by mere commands and computer coding?    Take a stand against the automation of human beings. 


Save humanity.  














































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